As the half-way mark approaches for year 12 students, I thought it might be helpful to cover and remind students (and parents) of the things that can help a student in Year 12 thrive for the remainder of the year.
While Year 12 can be a challenging and stressful time for some, for others it can be a year filled with many rewarding and exciting experiences as well as opportunities.
What’s most important in this, is the way the year is approached and managed – as this can help any student (and family) negotiate any potential obstacles and allow the best possible chance to not only survive, but to flourish and thrive as well.
Six strategies to thrive in Year 12
- Use positive language and self-talk – tune out of the messages in media or of others’ that focus on negativity and counter these with positiveself-talk and language that provides a sense of optimism, encouragement, confidence and competence (e.g. I can do this, I’m good at…, I’ll do my best etc.).
- Manage study and stay on track – manage time by keeping a timetable, use to-do lists, put away distractions (remember you are less productive when trying to do two things at the same time, so put access to social media away) and if necessary use others around you to keep on track.
- Take time to relax and do nothing sometimes – finding time to do nothing and to relax makes time and can allow a space to be more productive.
- Take care of the basics – get enough sleep, maintain a healthy and balanced nutritional intake & be active in some way on a regular basis (e.g. exercise).
- Have a balance – keep things in check by scheduling in time for a variety of things (e.g. sport, family, friends, hobbies etc.) that are important to you, as well as doing school work.
- Seek help if needed – do this early and talk with someone if you are finding things difficult or feel overwhelmed.
The following resource from beyondblue is a great link to more resources and information to help:
However, if things aren’t going well, don’t stress or panic, get proactive and get some support. Talk with a trusted friend, or have a chat with a teacher/school support staff member (e.g. Pastoral or Wellbeing staff, School Counsellor etc.) as they will have most likely encountered similar problems or difficulties, and have the experience to assist. If things don’t settle and you feel a little stuck, there are Psychologists here to support you and/or your child through any challenges.
John Pertl