Tag child behaviour problems
6 strategies to manage your child’s big emotions.
Jerry Seinfeld once said “having a two year old is like having a blender that you don’t have the top for”. At the time of writing this blog, my two and a half year old grand daughter is struggling with…
The Parent-Stress Cycle
It’s no secret, we all know parents who are stressed out! Stressed out parents often say they have a harder time managing their parenting role, and question whether they are doing a good enough job of raising their children. Parent-stress…
Not a perfect parent? Imperfect parenting with imperfect children
Are you worried you are not the perfect parent? I have a confession to make up front……I have a professional crush on Dr Brene Brown. In my defence it appears I am not alone as her TED talk in 2010…
Why are children often so maddeningly impulsive?
They so often act without thinking, become obsessed with interests and hobbies and just as quickly drop them. They have the ability to make crazy plans without considering the implications and so often need the adults around them to save…
My kids fight constantly! 6 tips to help them to get along.
If you have 2 or more children, I’m betting you have had to break up arguments, screaming matches or even physical fights between them at one time or another. It happens to most parents! Brothers and sisters not getting along,…
9 tips on how to manage your child’s aggressive behaviour.
Most parents will experience aggressive behaviour from their child at times. Screaming, yelling, throwing themselves on the floor etc are common behaviours for a child from time to time; when they do not get what they want, or feel as…
How can I help my anxious child?
Most people will experience some anxiety, stress or fear at some stage, this includes children. Our lifestyles are busy, and our children do their best to keep up. People often ask me why their child may be feeling anxious. Think…
Why does my child behave better for others than he does for me?
Babysitters, grandparents, child care workers, kindergarten teachers and school teachers all tell you your child is well behaved, well-mannered, helpful and polite. Not a behavioural, emotional or social concern in sight. You feel proud of your child and of yourself…
Does your child have difficulty making friends? What can you do to help?
Having your child tell you he had no-one to play with at school or that he doesn’t have any friends is heartbreaking. Why didn’t he tell me yesterday? Has he just had a bad day? Is he being bullied? Surely he…
All parents need R&R
Yes all parents need to Rest & Relax; however, that’s not what this blog is about. So when I say R&R I’m actually referring to Reflect and Re-evaluate. Being a parent often triggers thoughts and memories of your own…