Phubbing and the Importance of Values vs Rules in our Relationships
In this article, we’ll explore what phubbing is and consider strategies when our friends or partners are spending more time on their phone than with us. “Without technology humanity has no future, but we have to be careful that we…
Clinical Psychologist or Registered Psychologist…What’s the difference?
Common Questions in a Psychology Practice, Part 1. There are a few questions that seem to pop up again and again in a psychology practice, one being “what is the difference between a clinical psychologist and a registered psychologist”? Here…
How to relieve To-Do List anxiety: Differentiate between Needs and Preferences
Many of us confront To Do List anxiety in this society and if you are currently, or have been a client of mine, you’ve likely heard me say this phrase; Needs vs Preferences. I’m always honest and shared that this…
5 strategies to identify and manage rumination
What is rumination? Rumination is where you find yourself repeatedly going over the same thought or problem without any resolution or completion. Sounds familiar, right? Rumination is found in both depression and anxiety, but with different ‘themes’. Often when we…
Insights from the 2019 International Symposium on Performance Science
Attuned Psychology has a focus on performance psychology, which is why I recently attended the 2019 International Symposium on Performance Science in Melbourne at the Conservatorium of Music. It was an insightful experience to learn from, discuss and debate all…
6 strategies to manage your child’s big emotions.
Jerry Seinfeld once said “having a two year old is like having a blender that you don’t have the top for”. At the time of writing this blog, my two and a half year old grand daughter is struggling with…
Breakup, not Breakdown: 6 strategies to manage a broken heart
Let’s not beat around the bush. Breakups suck. Having a broken heart sucks. And no wonder – brain scans have shown that a breakup activates the same region of the brain that processes physical pain reactions. Breakups are painful as…
Can you manage stress with Tetris? Understanding what leads to and how to recover from stressful events
Recently, I got some insights into how to manage stress when I came across a podcast of an interview with neuro-opthamologist Dr Mithu Storoni called “How Our Brains Control Our Happiness”. Now, Dr Storoni, who describes herself as a physician,…
Letting kindness in: The benefits of self compassion over self esteem
A few weeks ago I was walking my dog on the beach and I caught myself thinking about a previous situation. I started thinking about how poorly I was treated and how angry I still felt. I was also angry…
Life satisfaction: How can we achieve and measure a satisfying life?
The quest for life satisfaction commonly prompts the question, am I living a fulfilling life? Am I satisfied with my life or does something need to change in my life? These are some of the questions we might ask ourselves…