Mindfulness for Sceptics: An Introduction from a Former Sceptic
I’m writing this article on Mindfulness for Sceptics because it’s finally time for me to admit the truth … I had previously been very sceptical of mindfulness. I would hear people speaking about the ‘life-changing’ impacts of mindfulness practice, and internally roll…
Creating and embracing holiday traditions: see how good it can feel!
So, it’s that time of year again…the one that seems so far and away and then *blink* here we are. It’s Christmas! And boy are there some mixed reactions! Everything from the unashamed Grinch who can’t wait until it’s over,…
Celebrating bloggers. The gift of sharing lived experience through writing for others
I thought it was a good time of year to celebrate bloggers and not just because I’m writing a blog! I, like many, enjoy reading blogs. As a Psychologist I particularly value blogs written by people sharing the ups and…
Let’s Get Physical: 5 Tips to Kickstart Positive Mental Health
“Increase your physical activity”. A phrase thrown at us by doctors and other health professionals, TV and media representatives and social media platforms. By now, most of us probably know the physical health benefits of exercise. The following are just…
Could perfectionism be harming your joy of dance?
In the world of dance, striving for perfection may be a cultural norm. Dancers get praised for the illusion of ‘perfection’ they create on the stage, teachers seek to cultivate it with displays of technical precision, and the focus of…
It’s Movember, so “Mo Up” and take care of your mates
It has been sometime since I’ve written about Movember, so here is a reminder about the importance of Movember. Whether you like the mo or hate it…November means Movember. November is a really important month of the year as it…
Family Drama! How to create and maintain family boundaries
Family boundaries are not something we necessarily give much thought to, until they aren’t good enough or are almost, if not completely, non existent. This is quite understandable – boundaries can be difficult to establish and even harder to maintain,…
10 tips for talking to kids so they talk back
I have two grown up boys. Very different characters but I have strong memories of the frustration I felt in getting either to open up to me in the way that I had expected. I’m a good mum (so I…
Let’s celebrate Mental Health Week
Each year in October is World Mental Health Week. Given that our mental health is just as important as our physical health it’s a timely reminder that we can all shine a more positive light on mental health. According to…
6 tips to accept your fear of uncertainty
I have never met a person who absolutely 100% loves the unknown. I have never met someone who actively enjoys all the curve balls that life throws at them. And for good reason – we humans often like predictability, comfort…