Category Attuned Life
A Winter afternoon with a book: Relaxing for you, but dynamic for your brain
It’s Winter time: the perfect opportunity to stay inside, settle in by the heater, and get stuck into a good book. It can be such a relaxing and pleasurable activity, but inside your brain there is in fact a…
When should I seek professional help for my anxious child?
We can all remember events in our lives that made us feel so anxious we wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. What we remember most about these is the overall awful feeling that we felt all…
Body image, the media and unhealthy eating patterns.
In our Western society, we are so often encouraged to believe that our success is defined by our ability to fit into a fiercely false, unhealthy and superficial mold of idealized perfection. It is no wonder so many of us…
My baby’s become an adolescent! Letting go to reconnect
The teenage years. They’re inevitable. Gone are the days when your child was a tiny bundle who you could dress, play with, cuddle and coo with, and take wherever you needed to go. Now they’ve shot up like a beanpole,…
3 Tips to beat the winter bulge, by recognising emotional eating, and honing into your intuitive eating abilities
Winter is such a beautiful time of the year With the autumn leaves changing colour and falling, days getting shorter, our gardens getting greener, and with the cooler weather, a change in our eating and drinking patterns can also emerge.…
Understanding how stress leads to overeating and procrastination
With many of my clients coming upon mid-year university exams in a matter of weeks, I thought now would be timely to reflect upon the way stress can play out during exam time for school and university students, as well…
Is my Teenager Sad or Depressed?
A common question that parents encounter is, should I be worried about my teenager’s sad thoughts? Any parent knows that teenagers can have all kinds of unique, interesting, strange and sometimes very sad thoughts. Sadness versus Depression Firstly, it is…
The Terrible Twos (and Threes, and Fours, and Fives…): Emotional regulation for Children
Emotions. Much of the time they seem so hard to keep in check, even as adults. Either we’re told we’re oversensitive and feeling too much, or we’re bottling them up and not feeling enough! An incredibly complex balance. So, how…
Juggle better or juggle less? Demystifying the steps to taming stress and achieving work/life balance
“Seriously, how are you meant to juggle it all?” This post the other day on Facebook by a friend of mine made me stop to reflect……it seems we are all searching for solutions to this ongoing challenge. The elusive work/life…
Emotional eating, what’s eating you? Part 2
Last week I highlighted what emotional eating is, how it can be a very normal process, but also what to look out for if you have concerns with your eating habits and patterns and suspect they could be symptomatic of deeper…