Tag Couple Therapy
Is there strength in vulnerability?
In my clinical work with couples, I hear a lot of “attack/defend” style conversations. You know how these go. We all have them, sometimes. And some of us have them—alas, President Trump—almost all of the time. They tend to go…
Relationship boundaries: What are they? And how do I create healthy boundaries?
Boundaries in relationships are a bit like the borders of our states they essentially define where one person ends and the next person begins. Imagine a chalk line drawn on the ground between you and another person: everything on your…
Couples Communication 101: How to solve problems by not problem-solving.
Couples often come to me seeking help to “resolve their issues.” There couldn’t be a more natural, well-intentioned request. It also happens to be an impossible one to achieve. Why? Because the research has shown that over two-thirds of the…
Attuned Psychology Welcomes a new Practitioner from the States
Attuned Psychology is pleased to introduce you to Dr. Alexandra Guhde, our newest team member. Trained and licensed as a Clinical Psychologist in California, Alexandra arrives in North Adelaide well-versed in helping clients work through experiences of trauma, anxiety, and…
How to fight off The Four Horseman of the Relationship Apocalypse: Foster Positive Communication, Appreciation and Respect
How is your communication with your partner lately? It is very common in many relationships, for partners to develop unhelpful communication styles that have the power to gradually erode what was once a great, respectful relationship to something that is…
Are your communication patterns ruining your relationship? How to spot the four horsemen of your relationship apocalypse.
Is your communication with your partner failing? Watch out for the Four Horses of the Apocalypse…. One of the most common comments I hear from couples when asked what has brought them to seek couple therapy is “We never seem…