Tag therapy
Is your psychologist a good fit for you?: 10 questions to ask yourself.
In my last blog: “Does your psychologist truly get you? – What really makes therapy work – A psychologist’s reflection” I explored the power of the therapeutic relationship and what I have learned over the years as to what makes…
Mental Health begins with me and you: A Psychologist’s reflection on her own Mental Health day promises
As a psychologist I have the privilege of working with people every day and the unusual job of dealing with the most intense feelings, thoughts and private matters every day. It is important to acknowledge that the kinds of conversations…
3 Tips to beat the winter bulge, by recognising emotional eating, and honing into your intuitive eating abilities
Winter is such a beautiful time of the year With the autumn leaves changing colour and falling, days getting shorter, our gardens getting greener, and with the cooler weather, a change in our eating and drinking patterns can also emerge.…